A Bounty of Additions in the Teacher Atlas

We’ve been busy adding books and resources to the Teacher Atlas. It’s time for an update, so get comfortable. And as always, we invite you to submit questions, comments, and suggestions below.

Interactive Elementary Flashcards

The Piano Adventures Flashcards present a single note followed by two short sightreading exercises—all on the same card! This combination of note drilling and intervallic reading is highly effective in building reading skills.

For the greatest benefit, the student should drill these flashcards at the keyboard. As the teacher presents a card, the student is asked to:

  1. Name and play the note at the top of the card
  2. Play the sightreading segment in the middle of the card
  3. Perform the optional “Super Student” challenge. While beginning students may omit the drill, more experienced players should take on the challenge!

My First Piano Adventure Flashcard Sheets

This set of ten flashcard sheets provides interactive fun to help students “read with ease.” Each sheet is correlated by book and unit to the My First Piano Adventure course, offering excellent reinforcement of note reading and music concepts. Incredibly easy and effective to screen-share during a remote lesson or group class. Each page features a 16-box grid with answers on the flip side, suitable for a variety of games and activities.


Linked Audio in all Basic Series Lesson Books

Primer through Level 3B Lesson Books now have audio links so you can play the fun accompaniments right in the Teacher Atlas. This feature is easy to use while sharing computer sound on your video calling software, demonstrating the character of a piece. Also handy for planning listening assignments (for example, “Did you hear the booming bass drum?”). Then invite your student to trigger the audio on their end via the Player app or Audio Cloud.

Anglicized Edition

We’re happy to support our teachers in the U.K. and Australia with the Anglicized International Edition now available in the Teacher Atlas.

Spanish Edition

All the basic method books for our Spanish-speaking teachers are now available, as is the Spanish Adult All-In-One Book 1.

Both versions of our Lesson Book 2A, 2nd edition

We have made a few changes to some of our books in an effort to make the song content more diverse and culturally inclusive. Lesson Book 2A has so far received the most changes, and we have both versions now available for easy cross-reference. View a current list of editorial updates here.

Coming Soon!

Teacher Group Plans for schools and institutions, plus annotation tools inside the Atlas for marking up scores.

27 replies on “A Bounty of Additions in the Teacher Atlas”

  • The linked audio is really a wonderful tool. My students really enjoy playing along with it and I’m not fumbling around with a cd or trying to find the mp3. I am excited about the upcoming annotation tool. That will be very handy. Thank you for the updates.

  • Thank you so much for your incredible work. The atlas has been a lifesaver for zoom lessons and has revolutionized my teaching.

  • When are you going to publish
    Level 5 and 6 of the Popular, Advance Time?
    I you already did, where can purchase it?
    Thank you
    My students enjoy your popular books very much
    Thank you

  • When will the teacher group plans be coming? I’m very interested in this for my music school.

  • Can’t wait for the annotation tools. Does my student need a set of flashcards in order for me to screen share the cards?

    • Hi Amy, the annotation tools are now live in the Teacher Atlas. The interactive flashcards are an activity you can do with your student during an online lesson, while screen sharing. Your student does not need a set of flashcards but if they need reinforcement between lessons, they may want to get a set to use at home.

  • Wow – the Atlas just keeps getting better and better!
    My plans are to remain teaching exclusively online, so I am loving this service.

  • Thank you so much for this website. It has been my life line during this pandemic, and I plan to continue to use it when in person lessons start back. I use it for so many reasons. Keep on doing the great job you’re doing.

  • May I simply say THANK YOU! The Faber Atlas was a much-needed addition to the piano method book publishing world. I’m happy to pay the monthly fee for all of these great resources. I’m also so excited to hear that there is an annotation tool coming. That was the main thing that I was missing for my online teaching when using the Atlas–I always use Forscore for annotating all of my other materials. This would be so wonderful.

    Also, it would be really nice if I could bookmark pages or create folders for students so that it is easier to return to the needed materials. Or maybe even just have a “recently viewed” log so that I could quickly jump back to what I was using the previous week. I have used the search feature but have not found a quicker way to get where I need to be. Just a thought!

    Thank you again for your work on this valuable tool!

  • Beste pianoadventures,

    Ik zou graag een docentenatlas bestellen. Waar kan dat?

  • Hi, thanks for your update.
    I feel quite frustrated that while you make relevant updates to your books on an ongoing basis, you do not provide free copies to teachers who have been loyally using your method for years. I cannot continue to pay for this portal and buy new books too! You are making it hard to remain with Faber now that my students are purchasing books different than mine.

    If I am incorrect, I actively use levels 1-3-all books!

    • Hi Allison — Thanks for your comment. When we make editorial updates to the books, we provide downloadable PDFs so you can print the page updates for your reference library. The latest round of updates are explained here, and PDF links are provided: https://pianoadventures.com/blog/2020/12/03/a-cultural-awareness-update/. These updates have also been provided in the Teacher Atlas, so purchasing an updated book is not necessary.

      We are pleased to offer piano teachers a 40% professional discount on all items in the Faber catalog, with a limit of two. Please call our teacher support line at 877-FABER-411 to order with the teacher discount.

      Please call our office (734.975.1995) or send an email to faber@pianoadventures.com if we can be of any assistance. We are here to support you, and all piano teachers, in any way that we can.

  • Love these updates! Thank you so much. For anyone considering getting the Teacher Atlas subscription, don’t hesitate! It’s easily the best resource I’ve gotten for my studio!

  • I have many families that still have the 1st edition books. Any chance you will put those in the atlas?

  • This is fabulous. Thanks for getting the message out. I am a subscriber. Any chance you could send out an email for us paying supporters. We would appreciate it. I am not on FB often.

    • Hi Marilyn — When updates are made or new content is added to the Atlas, we send an email to all subscribers. Did you receive our latest email on March 3rd?

  • Can you please tell me if the Atlas for online Zoom supports the My First Adventure for young beginners? Audio for example?
    Are there any further lesson or video support on line for after lesson 1 [which I have downloaded thank you.] I am new to your system of books and would like to be well informed as I teach accurately each lesson: as they have been carefully planned by your authors.
    Many thanks again from New Zealand.
    kind regards,

    • Hello Indu — Thanks for your message! We’ve made audio support optional in Piano Adventures, for a number of reasons. Teacher duets are included up through Level 2A, so the student will play along with their teacher in the lesson. This provides audio support and valuable instruction. By not including audio with our books, we are able to keep book prices affordable. Plus, audio technology is always changing. Everyone has different devices, some old, some new. We try to accommodate as many formats as possible. Currently we offer audio support in three formats: CD, Apple iOS devices, and PC/Android. Here is a link to our audio support page to learn about these formats and the benefits of audio accompaniments: https://pianoadventures.com/resources/audio/.

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