Sharing a chord progression from your student’s favorite pop song is a sure-fire way to engage and connect. In addition to rocketing your cool status, brain neurons will spark, as your students explore music theory and creativity in ways that complement traditional repertoire. This week we take a look at…
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Level 2A
Do your students like to listen to current pop hits from Ariana Grande, Ed Sheeran, Charlie Puth and others? This month, we invite you to take a “color tour” through the Hits, featuring top pop artists. Our first lesson with Dr. Faber is a twofer with “No Tears Left to…
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Students acting like sloths this summer? Luckily, we have just the thing: Havana by Camila Cabello, a Latin-inspired pop hit that fits nicely with students working their way through major and minor pentascales. It’s fully in the key of D minor, and grooves through a basic i – V7 progression.…
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Today we are pleased to announce that the Gold Star Performance audio files for all four levels in the Gold Star series are available as interactive audio in the Piano Adventures Player app. As the “Gold Star” title suggests, pieces in this series are especially appropriate for recitals and other…
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Piano practice often seems like a lonely business. No partners. No other members of the band or orchestra with whom to make music. Yet, when you think about it, the hands themselves need to be partners. Unless they are a team, with each “member” playing its own role, the results…
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In the words of Walt Disney, “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates’ loot on Treasure Island.” This collection, arranged by Nancy and Randall Faber, offers musical treasure from contemporary to classic for today’s piano students. Enjoy teaching Disney hits from Coco, The Lion King, Frozen,…
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Playing 5-finger scales has significant value for early-level pianists. Randall demonstrates how this innovative book helps students chart progress through all major and minor 5-finger scales, cross-hand arpeggios, and primary chords. Engaging teacher duets for each key are used for scale exercises. Students also enjoy improvisation activities for each key…
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In Level 2A, subdivision of quarter notes into eighth notes are introduced. Counting eighth notes is taught in stages as Nancy guides Charlotte through a progression of singing, tapping, and chanting. This progressive approach allows the student to feel the pulse and understand the rhythmic subdivisions without being encumbered with…
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I Just Can’t Wait to Be… the Improviser! Charlotte begins playing a steady two-chord riff pulled from, “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King.” As Nancy improvises above the riff, her modeling sparks excitement and eagerness in Charlotte as she enthusiastically asks for a turn to improvise. “Can I try…
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Level 2A, Performance Book, Pg. 6-7, Theme and Variation Listen to this Theme and Variation become a piece of chamber music! With the accompaniment providing supportive and contrapuntal lines, and with a flute doubling the melodic line, Kai learns how it feels and sounds to be part of a small…
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