My First Piano Adventure Book B – Things to know


Top 10 things to know

Book B Concepts

  1. Rhythm values:
  2. The CD and Online Audio with children’s voices help students LISTEN, SING, TAP, and MOVE
  3. Reading steps on the staff
  4. Grand Staff notes from Bass C to Treble G
  5. Time signatures: 4/4 and 3/4
  6. Students read the C 5-finger scale and scale patterns
  7. Dynamic marks:
  8. The tie, quarter rest, octave
  9. Technique Games:
    – Making Glasses
    – Silent Melody
    – Patterns by Memory
    and Fingers
    – 3-Speed Finger
    – Knocking Game
    – Silent L.H. Jump
    – Thumb Whispers
    – Star Crossing Over
  10. Stickers that Teach® offer fun review and rewards. Flashcard Sheets offer games for class and private lessons.

Top 5 things to see

Book B Pedagogy Pointers

  1. The Grand Staff introduction in Unit 2 may be started at the same lesson as Unit 1. Create your own staff games using a large floor staff.
  2. Technique Games give colorful images to express hand movements.
  3. Students analyze a new note (line, space) and often imitate or create a rhythm with the teacher on that note.
  4. Students play simple passages hands-together starting at p. 68.
  5. A grand Theme and Variations at the end of the Lesson Book gives opportunity for dynamic, expressive playing.

Top 5 things to do

Book B Teaching Actions

  1. Help students pronounce the composer names with ease.
  2. Use the audio to: tap the beat, sing the words, point to the notes, and play with the orchestration.
  3. Circle things in the music: steps, rhythm patterns, dynamics, etc.
  4. Ask students to analyze the patterns in a song and play by memory often.
  5. Express to students how far they have come—remember when they didn’t know a quarter note!

The best advice

Put an additional sticker on a weekly review song. This salutes the value of repetition!