Liszt, Lyricism, and Love

Franz Liszt is generally acknowledged to be the greatest pianist. Someone who heard him in person said his playing “was all sunshine and dazzling splendour.” As David Andruss explains in this video, Liszt wrote three Liebesträume. They were originally intended as songs, each based on a poem idealizing a type of love. The poem that inspired this third “Dream of Love” reminds you to “love as long as you can.” Liszt’s version of this work is elegant, elaborate, and difficult. If you listen to a concert performance of Liebestraum you will undoubtedly be impressed by the “dazzling splendour.” But with this satisfying and approachable arrangement, your students can also shape and enjoy this beautifully engaging melody. Dream your own dream!

8 replies on “Liszt, Lyricism, and Love”

  • Friends, I literally “fell” into teaching piano. I play, so people assume I can teach. I’ve attended piano workshops and have friends (100 mi. Away) who are accomplished pianists. I go to hear them and converse with them often. All of this to say: these pedagogy videos are so helpful to this informally trained piano teacher. Thank you. Come to Austin or Houston soon…as you did at Strait Music in Austin in 2017.

  • I found the tips quite helpful- I will remember the “mini crescendo” tip for teaching how to roll the chord.

  • Friends, I literally “fell” into teaching piano. I play, so people assume I can teach. I’ve attended piano workshops and have friends (100 mi. Away) who are accomplished pianists. I go to hear them and converse with them often. All of this to say: these pedagogy videos are so helpful to this informally trained piano teacher. Thank you. Come to Austin or Houston soon…as you did at Strait Music in Austin in 2017.

  • I found the tips quite helpful- I will remember the “mini crescendo” tip for teaching how to roll the chord.

  • Thank you for your advice and your lovely rendition of this arrangement. I’m happy to know this piece is on the horizon for a few of my students.

  • Very helpful tips – I haven’t had the opportunity to teach this yet, but this helps prepare me for that moment!

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